About Pierre Raymond
About Pierre Raymond As a residential and commercial, mortgage broker (Dominion Prestige) I obtain financing for the purchace, or refinancing in the Capital region as well as Quebec city and area thanks to my special relationship with approx. twenty banks, virtual banks, insurance companys, private lenders and a number of specialised private institutions. I have […]
About Pierre Raymond
As a residential and commercial, mortgage broker (Dominion Prestige) I obtain financing for the purchace, or refinancing in the Capital region as well as Quebec city and area thanks to my special relationship with approx. twenty banks, virtual banks, insurance companys, private lenders and a number of specialised private institutions.
I have obtained a bachelor degree in political sciences and economics at the University of Ottawa,I obtained a MBA at the university of Western Ontario, and taught a number of business related courses at the University of Ottawa, at the beginning of my career.
For the last 25 years I have worked in the finance field and have fouded and operated a venture capital firm (capital CGD) in association with a number of pension funds (Caisse de Dépot du Quebec, Fonds de Solidarité, Desjardins, Banque Nationale, and smaller pension funds….the mission being start ups as well as medium size promissing enterprises.
At the very beginning of my career, I presided a familly local food distribution business, which was sold to Provigo at a healthy return.